Practicing Creativity

Cardz 4 Guyz Challenge #12—Make us laugh "Get-Well" card

Happy April Fool's Day! It's appropriate that today's theme at Cardz 4 Guyz is Make us laugh. Pull out those stamps, dies cuts, and toppers that tickle your funny bone and play along!

My card is made with one of my collages. I share mainly my cards here on the blog, but I like to do collage as well. I made this collage a few years back and it's one of my favorites; it's made with an old postcard and magazine cuts. My collages tend to be a bit humorous so I thought it would make a good topper for this week's challenge. I scanned it and printed it on vintage look paper.

The sentiments are done with Trajan Pro font.

Come join the fun at Cardz 4 Guyz; we'd love to see your creations!

Paper—cardstock, Paper Touch Scrap Dots pad
Topper—my scanned collage
Embellishments—pearls, ribbon


  1. Hilarious!! Those hands wiping horse muzzles with tissues is hysterically funny! LOL

  2. I love this Shani, you always have a different take on the challenges. :0).

  3. OK, this is SUPER funny and cute at the same time! What a creative take on the April Fool's theme - I LOVE this collage and I'm sure the recipient will too! Thanks for the grin!

  4. Wonderful image and great card!

  5. I love this card. The sentiment could not be more perfect with this picture. How on earth do you come up with these. So very creative!

  6. LOVE it! What a fun and funny take on the challenge.

  7. What a fab image and perfect caption x

  8. J'adore les chevaux, et cette magnifique carte me plait énormément!
    Merci beaucoup Shani, pour votre gentil commentaire concernant la carte du lapin, voleur d'œufs.
    Votre français et parfait!!
    Amicalement Rosi


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