Practicing Creativity

Recovering an Ikea Desk Chair

It's been over 5 months since my last post; the longest I've gone without posting. My hiatus from blogging and cardmaking has been fruitful and I've got a lot done. In addition to renewing my kitchen cabinets, painting ceilings, walls and such, I've also done some small 'makeover' projects.

Like this Ikea desk chair. You can see in the photo below this chair was completely faded by the sun. It's a solid chair and there's not a thing wrong with it, other than the fabric. I decided to recover it.

Desk chair before.
I removed the screwed in chair bottom, took off the old fabric, and recovered with new, pulling it tight and smooth to fit, staple gunning it to the seat bottom as I went.

When I took off the bottom, I realized the chair back could be removed as well. I took off the original fabric and used that as a pattern to cut and sew a piece sized to fit, reinserted the back and voila! New looking chair for about €10 in fabric. 

Desk chair after.
I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.


  1. Hi Shani! So good to 'see' you again.
    I love your chair makeover! That new fabric is gorgeous and the chair now looks a million $!
    I hope you are keeping safe, đź’• Clare x

  2. You did such an awesome job with this chair! I love your choice of fabric too.

  3. Hi Shani!
    Welcome back! Awesome job on the chair!

  4. Hola Shani!! Ça fait plaisir de te voir par ici à nouveau!! Tu avais 5 mois sans publier, j'en ai beaucoup plus!!
    Très jolies tes chaises customisées, j'adore la couleur. Gros bisoussssss


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