Practicing Creativity

2023 Paperesse Yearly Retrospective

Welcome to 2023's Paperesse Yearly Retrospective! With each new year, I like to look back over the previous year and choose a favorite monthly post. It's not necessarily a project I made in each month, but one I posted that month (just in case you see the '2022' copyright info on the first photo and think 'What gives?'). And you might notice there are only nine photos instead of twelve this year, which is explained by my three month paper crafting break. 

For more information on any project shown – digis, supplies used, etc. – the link will take you back to the original post.

Thank you for reading Paperesse and for all your kind comments throughout the year.

1. January – Bonjour card with Hetty Clare digital stamp.

2. February – A birthday card with Di's Digistamps Buddy's Fruity Cupcake.

3. March – St. Patty's Day card featuring Di's St. Patrick's Bear.

4. April – Ewe Rock! masculine birthday card with Bugaboo digi.

5. May – Is it rugby or American football? Christmas card with QKR Stampede digi 

6. June – French holiday card with sunning Prettygrafik Santa.

7. July – Di's Beach Ready Mouse is having fun in the sun on this summer card.

8. November – A peachy/turquoise Christmas card with Di's Pressie Mice.

9. December – A simple Christmas design with Di's Christmas Critter Mountain digi.


  1. Always love to see your cards again! Definitely some of my faves in there too! (:

  2. What a lovely review. I absolutely love January, those papers just pop your beautiful image.


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